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News List
More- Halloween Has Come to World of Warcraft in the Hallow's End Event 2019-10-22 06:07:54
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- WoW Classic AMA - August 20th 10 AM PDT 2019-08-19 01:25:27
- World of Warcraft Update 8.2.5 Will Feature Bee Mounts, Worgen And Goblin Model Improvements, And Introducing Party Sync 2019-07-31 02:56:47
- World of Warcraft Classic Stress Test Has Been Postponed 2019-07-18 02:12:45
- World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Season 3 - Survival Guide 2019-07-11 01:02:03
- Battle for Azeroth Season 3 Has Begun 2019-07-10 02:38:56
- World of Warcraft Classic Beta Update - Ending July 12 2019-07-04 01:14:48
- World of Warcraft Pathfinder Part 2- Earn Flying in Battle for Azeroth 2019-06-28 01:38:50